system content directory
162k available
version 4.2 (c) Redmond Cybernetics


Sunset System may be my pet project, but it was not built alone!

This page is dedicated to the friends of Sunset System. These are some of the people who have helped me take this strange thought experiment to an incredible new level.

A huge thank you to everyone on this page, and to anyone else that has supported my work!

🛠️ Goldspire Crew

Contributing members of Sunset System, focused around the development of a Sunset System video game. (currently on hiatus)

💽 Contributors

Recognition of crew who contribute passively or have contributed in the past.

🧠 Enlightened Machines

Special mentions for community members.

✨ Patrons

Community members who have subscribed to the Patreon page!

As a ✨Patron✨, you get:

You can add yourself to this list by going to the Patreon page. Some users are listed by both Patreon and Discord nickname, if unique enough.