Slugma sense electromagnetic fields, and seek refuge within electronic equipment and robot chassis. They enjoy sipping on electrical current, which they normally consume from titan’s magnetotrophic fungus.
Since there’s little energy available so far out from the Sun, their metabolisms are rather slow. Even predators chasing prey at “high speed” appear comedically slow to humans and machines.
Slugma grow disposable eyeballs which fall off when they’re stressed. This is likely an adaptation to the storm seasons of Titan, during which eyes may be… too much of a liability?
Several SLUGMA species have been found to be SELF-AWARE and INTELLIGENT.
Some units speculate that, with mankind gone, it is only a matter of FEW MILLION YEARS before slugma evolve to take their place as the next GREAT ORGANISM of the Solar System.
Which BEGS the question…
Did humanity inherit the System, too?