1987 was a year of tremendous progress in the arena of Western cybernetics. With Maple’s announcement of an incredible new human-facing robot, and Berkeley’s cybernetic refresh of their ubiquitous business machines, it was clear that a revolution was on the horizon.
In other parts of the world, similar progress was evident. In the East, new models trotted out of factories and into shipping crates seemingly each week. Beyond the Iron Curtain, nuclear behemoths were assembled to conquer new worlds.
It wouldn’t be until the 2000s before humanity at large recognized it; when cybernetics found its way into every home, every city, and everywhere there was civilization. This Era of Creation was prosperous and glorious: no problem too great for technology to conquer.
They achieved their dream, and by the 2090s, there was only one thing left to conquer: the limitations of the human being itself
GORDON isn’t here to look pretty.
He’s here to solve the problem.
- Nacom Uplink 5
- Swingtek DN
- I-65 Series MCUs
Unlike our competitors, we at Redmond Cybernetics design functional machines.
Like all of our robots, computers, and other equipment, the GORDON Series comes packed with all of the essentials for streamlined infrastructure management. Datanet terminal? Check. Telelink remote control? Absolutely.
The GORDON is fully customizable and built to last with parts available at any major cybernetic retailer in the system. The upgraded Hazard model features military-grade Series 3 lining from Danir Materials.
To learn more, use inquiry code “REDMOND 0003 1055” on a PAL or terminal.
$12,999 Standard Model $15,999 Hazard Model
Redmond Cybernetics “Serving industry systemwide since 1995”
800 Aramingo Drive, Providence, Dollar Bank, TITAN 56-0013 REDMOND-56 (Datanet service not guaranteed)